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The Answer is C!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Anyways...remember the myth during exam, when unsure about the answer, it's always C? Have a look at this;

The Future: Blue Screen of Death
Friday, September 21, 2007

The Blue Screen of DEATH is an error screen displayed by a CERTAIN operating system
THE INTRESTING THING is Bluescreens have been present in all Windows-based operating systems since the PATHETIC Windows 3.1, and RECENTLY early builds of the PRIMITVE Windows Vista displayed the Red Screen of Death after a boot loader error.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ladies and Gents... presenting SETARBAK KOPI!

Anyone wanna invest in this franchise? heh heh!

Off to Sydney

I reckon I'm gonna miss Brisbane... love the lifestyle, friends, chruch, CLAY, sunny weather, and the level 6 water restriction. :P
Thank you guys for all your prayers, encouragement and making me feel right at home here in Australia. I still can't believe how two years just flew by! I'll still be making trips up to Brisbane and also pls continue to pray for me as I start my life all over agin in Sydney. :)

Global Warming vs Home Prices?
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Despite higher interest rates, average home prices continue to rise. So... what's the REAL reason behind the increase in home prices?
Here's what I think... global warming is causing home prices to go up. Here's the proof:
This graph is the Earth's surface temperature:

Meanwhile, the following graph represents the inflation adjusted cost of a home.

Coincidence? Maybe not.

APEC's $250m security cracked by comics
Friday, September 07, 2007

$250 million was spent to keep dignitaries safe... and 11 members of the comedy show, one dressed as binLaden, drove through two security checkpoints before being stopped within metres of President Bush's hotel.
The Cast members put together a sham motorcade, hiring two motorcycles and three cars on which they put Canadian flags. Police waved the motorcade through two checkpoints before pulling it over near the hotel.
Here's the 'security' tag they used to penetrade the security measures...

The 10 men and one woman were charged under new APEC laws on entering a restricted area without justification.
Police are furious about the prank... "I don't see a funny side to what's happened today. I don't see a funny side at all," NSW Police Minister David Campbell said.

APEC Traditional Costume for 2007?
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

hahaha... whoever came up with the idea of posing Pacific-area leaders in the national dress of the host nation was onto a winner. While other regional meetings have their charms... Apec's dressing up session at least makes for good photographs (really!).
ahh.. this was one of the best costume, Hanoi 2006.

Then, there was Thailand, 2003.

China, 2001.

As Australia does not have a definitive national dress, some have suggested the leaders could be wearing swimming costumes, nicknamed "budgie smugglers" for men, and thongs or flip-flops -- traditional Aussie beach attire. Maybe,

...or the infamous John Howard tracksuit...

...or full khaki and taking on a croc in true blue Steve Irwin style?

Photo Source:

The Leaning Tower of... Pisa?
Monday, September 03, 2007

Geotechnical engineer and astrologist Bobby Bieber BFD released the details of the findings to the UK Telegraph. Mr. Bieber stated that the “leaning” of the tower is actually an illusion accidentally perpetrated by the thousands of visitors to the historic site.
“With few exceptions, visitors to this site photograph themselves, friends and others ‘holding up’ the tower. It’s a cheap photographic trick, but it falls apart when the camera is held properly. This myth has been blown wa-a-ay out of proportion.”

When asked about Galileo’s famed gravity experiments, Mr. Bieber responded:
“All of the mystery surrounding Ol’ Gilly [Gallileo] points to chicanery. He was a known practical joker of his time, and no one believed his stunts, although many were definitely amused. Yeah, he dropped cannon balls, but probably used maggots around the tower to influence the apparent gravitation. I mean magnets.”
Geotechnical analysis is now underway to correct the Leaning Duomo of Pisa.

Microsoft Surface demo, with a twist
Saturday, September 01, 2007

Looks exciting and promising huh? Let's watch it again... but with a different commentary;
It deflates the excitement quite a bit doesn't it? I reckon it's hilarious!