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Master G is Back!
Friday, March 30, 2007

Smile always! It makes people wonder what you are thinking.

What th...? Transformers the Movie
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Here's the ORIGINAL Octimus Prime... from the 80s.

... and here's the movie version:

IMHO, it's actually not THAT bad... it's got that modern-arty look. Wait... here's our fave super villian: Megatron.
The original

The new

Yeah.. Megatron looks

Hey.. at least it's environmental friendly!

Dissapointing PS3 launch in Australia
Saturday, March 24, 2007

The reporter check out three stores in the city, two EB Games stores and a JB HiFi, and the word that came to his mind is 'underwhelmed'.

With just a half hour until the launch of the console the stores were virtually empty. In all three cases there were more store employees in the shop than there were customers.
EB Myer Center had 2-3 customers. EB Queens plaza had 4 employees, a security guard and zero customers. JB HiFi was a similar story.
Rigs were set up with the new console displayed on pretty TV's, but according to the reporter, the only people taking advantage of them were employees. This is in high contrast to the Nintendo Wii launch just a few months back, where stores required police for crowd control even out in suburbs, and lines reached well over a hundred people hours before launch.

Meanwhile, in the official Sydney launch event, a tiny crowd of 40 turned up at the Myer Pitt Street store (despite the free food and drinks on offer), which was the location of the "official" launch held by Myer, with Sony reps in attendance. Other stores in Sydney received even smaller crowds of 20 or so customers at best.
Sony... you gotta change strategy, who's gonna pay AUD 1000 for a console? *ouch*
Labels: impressions, ivan

What students do...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy St Patrick's Day
Saturday, March 17, 2007

My workplace had a theme day yesterday and when I stepped in... almost everything's green! Ppl wearing green, green food, green fruits, and green drinks.

Looks pretty scary I must something out of a dream. Nonetheless it's pretty interesting.

hehe... I guess everyone wants to be Irish on St. Patrick's Day...

Japanese Police vs Darth Vader
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Troop of 100
Saturday, March 10, 2007

It’s interesting and funny to see how people react when they’re being chased all of a sudden.
Here the translation:
1st Scene: There’s a tsunami!! (tsunami da!)
2nd Scene: There’s a tsunami!! (tsunami da!)
3rd Scene: That’s the guy!! (koitsu da!)
4th Scene: Nothing is being said
5th Scene: Watch out!! (danger) (abunai!)

More Spiderman 3 trailer
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Labels: ivan, movie trailer