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Sydney Store Opening III

Thursday, June 19, 2008

So I've decided to drop by the new Apple store after work since there were chaos around the store at the official opening time. I was making my way to the store and it started pouring! When I go to the queue (around the block), I was surprise that it wasn't longer... thanks for the rain I guess.

I found it quite interesting that the Apple staff actually came out and handed umbrellas to us peasants waiting in line to get in. Waited around 8 minutes and I was at the front of the store! Here's the view of the Apple logo from where I was standing.

When I got through the entrance, I was greeted by a clapping, cheering, dancing mass of Apple staff giving high fives and handling out door gifts to the first 2,500.

Here's the view from the top.

On the ground level, there were 50 or 60 Mac books on display and I must say... it was packed! Like Wynyard station after work! Everyone is pretending to fiddling around the display units and I even saw one guy updating his facebook status!

Here's an Mac Air on display.

There's the Apple trademark glass staircase that leads to the second floor.

Here's where you find all your iPod goodness! From Nanos, Shuffles, Touchs to accessories

... and speakers!

Here's the Apple logo from the second floor.

On each end of the second floor, you can find the accessories section

and the software and books section:

On the third floor, you can find the famus Apple Genius Bar... where Apple expers answer how-to questions for Apple users and potential customers.

It seems that the Sydney Genius Bar is the biggest in the world.

I don't know what the big fuss is about. I reckon it's all hype! Besides the impressive glass exterior, the display inside looks like any other Apple section in Myer... only 20x bigger! I must say tough, the staff are fantastic! I still can't believe I had to queue up to get in... oh well, at least I got my complimentary T-Shirt ;)

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posted by Ivan, 8:53 pm | link | 1 comments |

Sydney Apple Store Opening II

Apple's Sydney store doesn't open to the public until 5pm, but there were curious onlookers, rude security contractors, police, and the media circus gathered around the glass windows of the new $15 million Sydney Apple Store.

Here's a shot from the opposite of Apple store. Notice the crowd at ground level. Barricades were all setup... making it hard to move around.

The Apple staff looking out from the inside. They were clapping, doing some mexican wave and cheering for the media outside.

Mexican Wave! :P

I've never seen so many reporters/cameras before in my life! No kidding! The queue for the media is as long as those waiting in line to get in... here's shot from the media line.

... and here's the queue of ppl waiting to get in... around the block! Madness! I thought of joining the queue, but when I found out that it goes around another block, I gave up!

... 5pm and the door opens! The first few hardcore Apple fans skips in... happily! Fans outside the line claps, camera flashes, staff cheered from the inside and the police barks at everyone who stops to get a photo to move along!

More shots of fans going into the store...

View from the front of fans going into the store... with security barking... SINGLE FILE! SINGLE FILE! Reminds me of those prison show as prisoners get into jail. :P

Happy Fan!

More shots of fans going into the store... HIIGHH FIIVEEE!~!!

Yup... Apple: Markerting Genius! Although it's the second biggest store in the world, after London... it's not enough to make Steve Jobs fly down for the opening. :P

I'll probably make a trip after work to the store... not sure I'll be able to get in with crowds like that!

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posted by Ivan, 3:29 pm | link | 1 comments |

Sydney Apple Store Opening

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The first Australia Apple Store, the 215th in the world is located on the corner of Sydney's George and King Streets in the CBD.

The three-story complex features 700 square metres of glass enclosing its street front atrium. This is formed from 15m tall panels of glass, the largest such plates ever created in the world.

The ground floor is devoted to the company's Macintosh computer line, still the core of the company's business. In all, some 90 Mac units will be on display, all connected to the internet with free net accesss for visitors.

Level two, reached via a glass staircase of the type that has become a signature of the Apple stores, features the company's mobile devices, with the 60 iPods now on display to be joined by a range of iPhones when they are launched here next month.
The top level will form the store's services department, with training areas, seminar spaces and what Apple says is the largest "Genius Bar'' at any of its worldwide stores.

Was passing through the store on the way to lunch and I noticed that there was a media event organized by the big A... camera crew, reporters, in-store reviewers doing what they do.

The opening is more that 36 hours away and already they are a couple of mad Apple fans queueing up to be the first into Sydney's Apple store.... bragging rights I reckon.

Sorry guys... that lady beat you to it!

A reporter I reckon... but she does look happy! Here's a little peak through the glass window to see what's inside.

I bet you it's gonna be packed when the store open tomorrow! We'll see if I can get a couple of nice shots of the opening 2morrow. ^_^

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posted by Ivan, 4:07 pm | link | 0 comments |