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What th...? Transformers the Movie
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Here's the ORIGINAL Octimus Prime... from the 80s.

... and here's the movie version:

IMHO, it's actually not THAT bad... it's got that modern-arty look. Wait... here's our fave super villian: Megatron.
The original

The new

Yeah.. Megatron looks

Hey.. at least it's environmental friendly!
commented by
Mr DT, 3/28/2007 06:58:00 pm

Oh another thing:
Actually, if the movie version is going to look like those pictures, then hmmmmm I dunno lah whether I absolutely want to go watch it. We shall see.
Anyway, unlike some people, I actually like Megatron/Galvatron. In fact, I'd say Galvatron's my favourite. People go for Optimus Prime just coz he's leader of the forces of good, but I guess I'm not a sheep ;) Maybe I'm just evil LOL.
Just love Megatron/Galvatron's gun - so powerful. Ka boom, it does a lot of damage.
Actually, if the movie version is going to look like those pictures, then hmmmmm I dunno lah whether I absolutely want to go watch it. We shall see.
Anyway, unlike some people, I actually like Megatron/Galvatron. In fact, I'd say Galvatron's my favourite. People go for Optimus Prime just coz he's leader of the forces of good, but I guess I'm not a sheep ;) Maybe I'm just evil LOL.
Just love Megatron/Galvatron's gun - so powerful. Ka boom, it does a lot of damage.
I really really love the Transformers. In fact, probably my favourite all time cartoon.
Man, the 80s were the best when it came to cartoons - Transformers, GI Joe, He Man, She Ra, Care Bears, Visionaries, Thundercats, Silverhawks, Starcom....There's nothing like these today....
Anyway, dude, we should go as a group to watch Transformers The Movie when it comes out in cinemas. I heard it'll be July? *shrugs* Make sure u let me know, eh.