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Microsoft Vista

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ahh.. another historical moment in history! Microsoft Vista, the operating system replacement for Windows XP, was launched yesterday... worldwide.

Vista is finally here and it has some great new features. Vista changes the way you access your data and changes the way you find documents, music, videos, pictures and everything else you use a computer for.

The operating system's new graphical look is called Windows Aero and brings Vista's look and feel into the 21st century. Think in terms of clean, clear and very user-friendly. There are lots of 3D effects and modern typefaces for the user. In its own way, it's Microsoft's answer to Apple's OS X. Vista's new interface is very, very slick.

If you've noticed, media everywhere is flooded with 'impartial' write-ups, ads, self-annointed pundits parroting PR bilge like it's news, freebies, podcasts, you name it, and all devoted to trying to convince us to buy Vista. But before you rush out of the door with your wallet... there is an issues with the So-called digital rights management (DRM) technology in Vista which gives Microsoft the ability to lock you out of your computer.

Microsoft has defended its use of DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) consumer control, "saying it is only acting on the requests of content rights holders," of which it is of course, a major example. yeah right!

Anyways, old Microsoft habits die hard... here's a pic of a paculiar error with the new oS. It is an error message saying that the operation was completed successfully is just intriguing.

hahaha.. also, it seems that Microsoft Windows Vista has kept the Blue Screen of Death "feature";

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Looks like we're gonna have fun with this new OS aren't we?

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posted by Ivan, 7:23 pm


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